Friday, January 18, 2019

Light and Dark

These past few weeks I have had a lot on my mind. I have been pondering what the purpose of my trials are and how I can learn and grow through them. I have wondered what I could teach and how I could share everything I was feeling! I have had quite a few "ah-ha" moments, if you will, and feel gratitude for the ways I have been able to notice the Lord's hand in my life, as well as His guidance as I branch out into blogging again.

Before I share my thoughts, I will preface by saying that each of us has a journey to navigate. Our lives are anything but comfortable, but I know through that uncomfortable moments we can learn far more than we ever imagined, had we not been given that chance through our individual trials. Isn't life amazing? Isn't the chance to learn and grow such a gift? At the time it may not seem so, but I promise as we endure and do so with faith, looking for the good, we will see it as a gift.

A few days ago I watched the movie Wonder Woman. This isn't a movie review but if I can give my two cents, it was AMAZING! A must see. Anyway, in this movie I couldn't help but realize the message I gained from the script. Here is what I learned: there is so much darkness in our world, but there is so much light and ultimately love will triumph over any and all evil, as long as we let it direct our lives. Incredible no?! I bawled like a baby towards the end of the movie as I was hit with this realization. You guys, our lives, if kept in the light, will always be greater than we could have hoped, and the darkness we encounter will be dispelled as we constantly search for that light. Seriously though, I bawled, like ugly cried and then felt so grateful for that bit of inspiration.

Fast forward to today, I posted a quote by Brene Brown (Find it HERE) in my Instagram stories and was floored when I realized the magnitude of it. We cannot find light until we first wade through darkness. Until we are brave enough to use that light we will never understand the magnitude of the gift of being able to find light during dark times. I believe we are sent here to Earth with a magnificent purpose and calling, each of us. Over time the light we are sent with fades unless we fuel it with goodness, uplifting studies, and often religious attendance. That light will never leave us as long as we work to help it shine. That light can be our saving grace during times of struggle, heartache and trial. That light can lift another's burdens and bring us joy as we lend it to others. That light can inspire and create a world of goodness.

So now I pose the question to you. What do you do to find light in your life? How do create a habit of searching for the good amidst the bad and using your light for the good of others?


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