Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Agency - The Good and The Bad

We often experience things that make us reflect and redirect our lives to better way. Losing a dear neighbor and friend, and seeing others experience frustrating losses this past weekend has caused me to stop and think about a concept quite often talked about, but not always internalized. Today's post is all about agency.

After I heard of my neighbor's passing I deeply reflected on the impact of my own life on others. How would what I've done throughout my life be seen if I were to pass away? What will others say about me when I am gone? What would be the shining characteristics of my being? Would they say I was dedicated to my family, that I fought a good fight, that I gave of my time to others, and that I loved others more than myself?

I know it is sometimes morbid for some to think about their death and what it would mean to those left behind, but I have never feared death. It is a reality of living, and as long as we know where we will go, and as long as we have lived a life worthy of remembrance, there is nothing to fear. Living with faith in the plan set for our lives gives us the strength to know that death is not the end and that God has always had our journey and the steps we take to complete it, in his mind. He directed our path and set forth our journey long before we came to be.

With that path provided for us, we were also given agency, or in other words, the opportunity to choose for ourselves how we will live. If we all made a conscious effort with the thought of how we will use our agency and the consequences our choices will bring, good and bad, we might be a little more careful with our life decisions. Sometimes our decisions are hard to make and frustrating and downright unfair, but sometimes our decisions will determine how we handle the hard ones in the future.

I am deeply grateful for the understanding I have of agency and how it affects us daily. Only YOU can choose how you react to life's trials, only YOU can choose to find the goodness or dwell on the struggles, only YOU can determine how your personal agency will affect your life.

How will you use the freedom of agency for good today?


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