Friday, March 8, 2019

Finding Joy Amid Trials

I once heard a quote that said, "Don't wait for things to get easier, simpler, better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy now. Otherwise you'll run out of time."

The truth shared within this statement. Life is so short, find the joy amid the struggles.

How do we find joy when our hearts are so broken that there isn't much to be joyful about?

I truly believe the way to find joy is to look for the small moments in life that make you happy, bring you joy and that uplift. Find the time and the energy to spend searching for the goodness even amid your personal struggles. This is where your happiness lies, this is how you find joy.

I also believe that we all would benefit from the willingness to give our listening ear and empathetic heart to others while we are struggling with our own pain. As we serve others our load is lightened, even if for a small second. Our pain won't be completely taken away but we will find that it's easier to live through as we give of our personal time to others.

7 years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with a heart defect. She was born strong, healthy and looked like a normal baby girl on the outside, but inside her heart was quite literally broken. She had a smattering of tests done and ultimately ended up having open heart surgery at just five days old. She medically endure more in her short life than I was ever asked to endure. A fellow Heart Mom gave me the best advice following something so traumatic as watching your child go through heart surgery....she told me to look for the miracles and tender mercies. In the throws of the most terrible experience I've ever been called to live through I was able to look for the good, and I found it.

A few of the miracles I witnessed were seeing friends, neighbors and family far and wide pray for her and leave comments on our Facebook page and blog that encouraged us and uplifted us. I had neighbors bring meals and family give of their time to care for my other kids. I had the best group of girlfriends take me out to dinner and throw me a small baby shower shortly after she was diagnosed while I was still pregnant. It is still, to this day, the sweetest gesture I've ever been graced with. It raised my spirits and gave a me a moment of clarification that even though these women had no clue how heavy my heart was they were there to buoy me up and carry me through my heartache. Another tender mercy. We saw answers come to medical questions when we least expected them and through the craziest avenue. There were so many more, I could write paragraphs on the experience I have had, but what these examples all come down to is the fact that even in the middle of the hardest thing I've ever been called to endure, I was able to find so much joy and happiness.

Sometimes in our lives we live difficulty but I truly believe we weren't sent here to just endure and survive the pain. We were sent her to find happiness, live with joy and smile through the heartache amid our pain and trials. 

What is one way this week you're going to find joy amid the everyday or life changing challenges you're called to endure?


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